Saturday, June 18, 2011

Revolution of thought

I have titled my blog "Revolution of thought". This is the first posting in this blog. I used to blog on myspace while I was in the Army. One of the best blog postings I have ever written was titled revolution of thought.

I'm not going to repost that here right now. What I do want to touch on is the need for such a revolution. When will people look at the government not for what it can do for them? Obviously, we have looked to the government for too much. This can be seen by out crazy high amount of debt.

We need to be thinking more along the lines of what can we do for ourselves. Self determination is far preferable to having to live a life of dealing with constant bureaucracy to receive ones entitlements.

What is more effective? Government or the private sector? Would the tax money that is required to support such a vast social safety net that we have in this country be more effective in the hands of the people who create private sector jobs in this economy? I would say yes.

I won't make the first post in this new blog long winded... I have plenty of time to do that in following posts. The real question is... are we going to continue to think of government as a provider or will we begin to think of it as a necessary evil that needs kept in check?